Sometimes it's downright sinful, the things we put into our mouths. In this case, it's fish. Flounder to be exact. I felt naughty after eating this. This flavorful concoction of lightly battered, crispy-skinned flounder. So good on my tastebuds, so bad for the waist.
No my lovely, it was meant to be steamed to perfection. Dashed with a bit of light soy and sprinkled with heavenly garnishes of ginger and scallion. But the bad side of me wanted more. More texture. More crunch. And my dear boyfriend happily obliged, fileting the fish himself, I might add.
I was too busy salivating to actually see what he used. All I know is that corn starch was key, as was olive oil in a pan. A dash of salt and pepper and cayenne. Some browned garlic bits and parsley for contrast. My mouth was so happy to be eating this.
Will I regret it in the morning? Not if I do the requisite 500 steps on the machine.
Mm, that looks fabulous. It's making me really hungry.
Skip the step machine! It's all about enjoying oneself :)
PS What did he serve it with? :D*
oooohhh that looks good. I want some. BTW I made the potato latke. Can I tell you, easy to make and YUUUUMMMMY! Thanks for the recipe.
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